About the Firm

The Law Office of MaryBeth Schroeder have provided legal representation to individual consumer debtors and small businesses throughout the State of New Jersey since 1989, with most cases arising in Ocean, Monmouth and Middlesex Counties. I take pride in providing aggressive representation in accordance with the strict dictates set forth by the United States Bankruptcy Code. I will handle each and every aspect of your case.
Ms. Schroeder's Ocean County roots go deep. She was born at the old Point Pleasant Hospital, which no longer exists. She attended Point Pleasant Beach High School and graduated cum laude from Boston University. She graduated from the Rutger's University School of Law-Camden. While there, in her third year, she had the honor of being the student of the Honorable William H. Gindin. At the time he was a sitting Bankruptcy Judge for the District of New Jersey, in Trenton and went on to be the Chief Judge of the Bankruptcy Court for the District of New Jersey. It was he who instilled in Ms. Schroeder her love for the Bankruptcy Code.
After her law clerkship in Monmouth County, working for the Honorable Theodore Lebrecque, Jr., she was lucky enough to go to work for Bunce D. Atkinson, who has a bankruptcy law practice and sits as a Chapter 7 Trustee in the Trenton vicinage of the Court. It was he who taught her the role of the importance of the Chapter 7 in helping people to rebuild their lives after financial difficulty.
Then, for the next twenty years, Ms. Schroeder worked in a small bankruptcy practice in Toms River, where she honed her lawyering skills, continued to learn and teach her clients about bankruptcy, and learned and practiced compassion in her law practice.
Opportunity coupled with preparedness in May 2013, when Ms. Schroeder opened her own practice devoted primarily to representing consumers in the Bankruptcy Court. She continues to provide her clients with individual attention in all cases and the best quality legal advice, tailored to each clients' specific needs.

MaryBeth Schroeder
My Practice

MaryBeth Schroeder has represented debtors and creditors, in cases arising under Chapters 7, 11 and 13 of the Bankruptcy Code, since 1989. My practice is primarily engaged in the representation of consumer debtors seeking relief under the Bankruptcy Code, although we also provide representation to small businesses and corporations.
I represent debtors and creditors in litigation arising under the Bankruptcy Code, through adversary proceeding complaints. My predominant area of litigation has arisen in connection with the enforcement of the automatic stay provisions of Section 362 of the Bankruptcy Code, and with the enforcement of the order of discharge under Section 524 of the Bankruptcy Code. Not surprisingly, many creditors have declined to honor the dictates of federal law, and have continued attempts to collect debts from debtors under the protection of the Bankruptcy Code; I have filed numerous suits against creditors, collection agencies and collection attorneys, and obtained significant damages for our clients.
I believe that the quickest and easiest way through the bankruptcy system is through the use of transparency. Complete and detailed candor, in my view, is required by the Bankruptcy Code, and the failure to make complete disclosures can lead to prosecution by the United States Trustee's Office, through the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, for bankruptcy fraud.
Consequently, I insist that our clients provide us with all information, stringently detailed, so that full and complete compliance with the strict dictates of the Bankruptcy Code can be met. I have a reputation for excruciating detail: translation, I ask for a room-by-room inventory of your personal property, and if you have pets, we want their names and ages.
That attention to detail, among other ways in which I practice, sets this office apart from other law firms. An attorney will handle your case, not a paralegal. When you go to a Meeting of Creditors, you will not be meeting your attorney for the very first time. If you call or e-mail your attorney, you will get a response from that attorney.
When you finally receive your order of discharge from the Bankruptcy Court, I will provide you with correspondence to send, in your name, to the credit reporting agencies; it is important to ensure that they are properly reflecting the event of discharge on your credit report, as that is the very first step in reestablishing your creditworthiness.
The Law Office of MaryBeth Schroeder is a federally designated consumer debt relief agency under Title 11 of the United States Code. I provide legal assistance to consumers under the United States Bankruptcy Code.